BEST-Dialogue BEST - Dialogue (formerly BEST-AC) was implemented in Tanzania from November 2003 to July 2019. The overall aim of the project was to build the capacity of Private Sector Organizations to actively influence improvement of the business enabling environment. This was done through informed, sustained dialogue and in an open and transparent space. BEST-Dialogue has supported private sector apexes and key PSOs to build their capacity to engage with counterparts in the government in a structured way to address issues limiting job creation, trade and agribusiness competitiveness and inclusive growth. ACT received a Grant from BEST-Dialogue to execute Public-Private-Dialogues (PPDs) at national and local level. The idea of conducting dialogue in the districts was to enable ACT members and PSOs to present issues impacting the agriculture sector in their localities. The project came to an end with remarkable achievements including: -

(i) Strengthening the capacity of PSOs to engage in advocacy and dialogue in their respective localities.

(ii) Support PSO to set up a proper functioning and stimulating PPD framework at all levels that allows direct and regular contacts with decision-makers and key Government officials. The framework brings together public and private sector players to dialogue on issues that distort competitiveness in trade and agribusiness.

(iii) Mainstreaming the 5-Step Approach to Advocacy that enables evidence-based, inclusive and effective advocacy. These steps are (i) identifying an issue, (ii) doing research to gain an understanding of the issue as a basis for (iii) generating informed policy proposals, (iv) presenting the policy proposals using an appropriate mix of strategies and (v) following-up implementation.

(iv) Developing training curricula and materials on public policy advocacy, dialogue, capacity building of PSOs and PPD, and mainstreaming these in educational entities

(v) Fostering cooperation and synergies through the integration of multiple actors the media, academia, civil society, the private sector and local government for the reform of the local business environment in Tanzania

(vi) Supporting the development and operations of knowledge management platforms for the collection and sharing of business environment-related research, policies and other valuable information

In 2015, ACT received a Grant from BEST-Dialogue to execute Public-Private-Dialogues (PPDs). In ten strategically selected districts: Magu, Bunda, Bukoba, Njombe, Mbozi, Morogoro, Tandahimba, Kigoma, Muheza, and Arumeru. The idea of conducting dialogue in the districts was to enable ACT members to present issues impacting the agriculture sector in their localities.